Project Update No. 2

My update for this project is that it's started! This project is very simple, so I'm hoping to do as much of it as possible.

I ended up choosing to do 2D and in real life characters/objects interact. My plan for this is to take as many pictures as possible and draw over some things in the pictures to make it seem like 2D and 3D exist in the same world. I have 4 pictures worked on so far: 2 simple ones and 2 more explored ones (for lack of better words). For the 2 simple ones, I added red jackets over people and outlines the wrinkles in the jackets. These pictures were mainly to test if I had the skills to execute this project and see what I would feel better working with. The other 2 pictures are ones that have some legitimate progress and some extra additions outside of just adding things over people. The pictures aren't finished yet, but at least they're started. I will admit that I'm not at a point where I would hope to be in my progress but at least these pictures have been started. As for selecting the photos, I've let my participants know that I'm using off-guard photos of them as the concept and then I'll add random stuff to their pictures. I planned on having a theme to this project in the beginning but with how busy my participants and I are, it'll be better time-wise if I just did what I could at random.

Since I'm not having a theme for this, I guess there really isn't any prior knowledge necessary to understand my project. This is as simple as can be. The only thing that one would maybe need to know is the influences behind this, which is Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Cool World - both movies that incorporate animation in real life settings. I will say, though, that I would like to create an image that resembles Paramore's Hard Times music video. She incorporates colors and animations that pop out and give the actual people cartoony effects. This one would be a bit more complex that what I have done so far, but I could do this as the final image or something like that. 


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