*Draft* Final Project - Self-Designed New Media Work

 One of the projects I would like to do is some sort of animation. I would like to tie this in with my Advanced Drawing class assignment since I plan on doing a somewhat animation for that. I would be starting these projects around the same time but ending the Advanced Drawing project earlier than this final project, so instead of dropping it, I can continue it in this class. I would draw out 3 seconds worth of animation on the sketchpads provided for us from that class, and then continue the animation on a software. I don't think I will actually get through a whole song, but I anticipate at least getting a part of a song animated. Some songs on my mind are the bridge + ending for Taylor Swift's Now That We Don't Talk, the chorus for Marina and the Diamond's Froot, or some part of an Olivia Rodrigo song (not sure which song of hers). 

Another project I had in mind was combining 2D and 3D things in a photo. I would take multiple pictures of random activities or exchanges between people and draw in characters to make it seem as if these characters were present. I'm not exactly sure what theme I would like to go with just yet. I know it's not as big as the animation would be, but also the animation would be much more time consuming than this project would.

There's not much else to say on either of these two since I'm still indecisive of what I want to do, but the beginning of their planning stages will lead me to decide on one or the other. 

Presentation link ig: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGBUuZ_ncw/Yrf8aGldxXEit6iEL0vdzg/view?utm_content=DAGBUuZ_ncw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor



  1. I think your first idea sounds really fun!

  2. I like both of your ideas a lot! I'm especially interested in the second one though, because it seems like that would be easier to connect to simulation and nostalgia. I also would be curious to see how you work through integrating the 2D and 3D aspects together. Cartoons and animations are nostalgic too, though, and whatever idea you end up choosing I'm sure it will turn out wonderfully!


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