Project Final: Blog Post & Installation Presentation

     Over the start of the installation preparations to executing the project, half of that time was spent deciding what theme I wanted to do. I had plans for how to execute both Installations and guaranteed participation from people I've asked to be involved with. What came down to the final decision, though, was asking my participants what they wanted to do since I knew I wouldn't be able to decide on my own. What they chose was Overcooked! - a videogame where players come together to cook food and serve the food in a timely manner. In sticking with this theme, I wanted this to be a surface-level and easy-going installation as a reflection of the game being simple. 

    My plans for this installation was to get people together and have them play the game and recreate some actions that one would do when playing this game. So first, I laid out my expectations on their part when participating in this installation. Like I said, I wanted this to be something anyone can do, so all I asked of them was to play the game, eat the food I served, and be as fake (for lack of better words) as possible when recreating the scenes. On my behalf, what I wanted to do for sure was serve the food in a similar manner as they would in the game. I also wanted to cut the cake so I could mimic the cutting action you would do in the game. I for sure wanted to play the game as well just to engage myself in all aspects of my installation. I would also have to do all of this with a plastic smile. This installation was set in the Gaming House 1. because it's a game and one that is accessible there 2. because it was easy access and easy approval and 3. because I know if I wanted a larger/more engaging audience, the Gaming House residents would easily be attracted to this installation.

    Onto the materials, I was already aware that financially I would not be able to execute either projects, so I sought out help acquiring some materials. For the paint and paintbrushes, I was able to borrow some from the art department.; The cardboard boxes, my work allowed me to take empty boxes from them; For the food, Alianza was able to contribute for purchasing it so long as it was for event purposes - which it was. Other miscellaneous items were things I was able to make like the 3D printed characters, already had, or borrowed from other people. From there, I was ready to start preparations. 

    There were a handful of faults when executing the installation, but I don't want to go into depth. Basically, I overestimated my resources, so the installation came out looking plainer than I had hoped.

    Executing the project was fun overall. I was able to get most of the shots that I wanted, and everyone said they had a nice time. There were other people who came and went as well (especially for the food) and took some time to ask about what we were doing and watched a couple rounds be played. I wasn't expecting it to last long given the inconvenient timing, but they stuck around longer than anticipated. Plus, cleaning up was not bad. 


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