Exercise No. 1 - Three Objects

I chose to photograph these three items since each of these have been gifted to me from some friends. The first object is a dog toy Minion. I recieved this along side item three as a gift exchange back in my freshmen year. This gift was given to me as a gag gift. This holds importance to me since it was a niche thing that the person remembered and used that to determine my gift. This has been the main item I love showing off. The second is a plastic flower. I received it as a random gift in sophomore year by another friend. This person would use the flower as an excuse to come visit my dorm and check on me - asking why the flowers weren't front and center of everything and we would just go on from there. I store this with my small collection of tiny things (includes McDonald's Happy Meal toys, pins, and squishy animals) to make the flowers stand out the most. The third one is a knitted beanie. This was also given to me by a different person at the gift exchange. This person knitted the beanie themselves, which I feel is important to note and appreciate. This is an item I wish I could show off more given the work put into it, and this is my chance to show it off. She worked on it for 3-4 weeks during the Christmas break. She added the cat ears knowing I like cats, and it allowed her to put her knitting skills to use. It turned out to be a really good beanie. Overall, I'm so grateful for receiving these things given how they each have a different story behind them.
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